They Steal Our Hearts

Honey’s Story


Honey, aka Honey Bunny is a 6-year-old Chihuahua.  She changed our perceived thoughts we had about chihuahuas being small, yippy, ankle biters. We went back and forth on names before we finally settled on Honey. A name that perfectly describes her personality. I found Honey, 5 years ago running on the street. She had no collar; she wasn’t microchipped and there were no responses to the ‘Found Dog’ posters throughout the area……so we made her a Mosner kid.  At the time she had so much energy Jim and I sometimes questioned if we were to old for such a young one and we referred to her as a ChiwaWOW.  I’ve been told that animals pick their Owner and I am honored that Honey picked me.

* Unique Personality: A Joyful Heart.
* Favorite Snacks: Vegetables of all kinds, Sweet Potatoes being 1 of her
* Favorite Toy: A stuffed Tigger and she’s not afraid of showing him love.
* Favorite Place to Sleep in Bed: On my bed buddy right next to me.
* Horoscope Sign: Aries.


If you’re looking for a best friend who is committed to provide unconditional love, stop by your local animal shelter – Someone Special is Waiting for You. 

It is all of our responsibility to be the voice for those that have been silenced and advocate for those that are abused. In many cases, you may be the only chance an animal has at escaping cruelty or neglect.